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I have MANY photos of projects. I’m not just talking about the staged and polished final shots when the project is complete, either. I’m talking about the hundreds of photos I take before, during and after a project, so when the walls are closed, plastered and painted and the question comes up “Did we put additional blocking to hang this sink?” is presented I can refer back to pictures taken during the framing process. I’m betting you had no idea some designers do this. Well, since we are among other things, the record keepers of projects, it’s essential to maintain visual references on projects. With that said, all this gigabyte gorging material needs to be stored somewhere and the little ol’ hard drive ain’t gonna cut it when it comes to this stuff. So, in the past I turned to my trusty CD’s and you can imagine how many of those babies I need for photos except they have a shelf life and I have to store them somewhere. They actually live quite close to all the CD’s I’ve loaded on my iPod and no longer have a use for. For now they are collecting dust in office storage, but then what?

How about this?

No, that’s not quite my storage space. This is WasteLandscape at the Halle d’Aubervilliers of Paris’s Centquatre. This is what comes from the minds of designers like French artist Elise Morin and architect Clémence Eliard as they ponder an object’s life and eventual death in the real world. As it so happens, this building witnessed 27,000 hearses per year as it’s previous life was for funeral services.

Bubbles, fish scales, maille? Perhaps 65,000 spherical mirrors reflecting the passing of contemporary time beneath 138 year old arches. What do you see?

French artist Elise Morin and architect Clémence Eliard

Read more: WasteLandscape: 65,000 Discarded CDs Form a Sea Of Metallic Dunes in Paris | Inhabitat – Green Design Will Save the World